Garden photos, as well as all other photos, can benefit with some degree of enhancement. PhotoShop is the go to app for professionals. You can subscribe to it on the Adobe site. However, if you aren’t interested in the many ways you can enhance a photo with PhotoShop you may be interested in a very good alternative that is free…if you are using a Mac. Sorry, Windows users needed continue reading this.
The alternative is the build-in Preview app. It automatically opens if you click on an image. Here’s what it looks like when you click on an image.
When you click on Tools, you get another menu that looks like this.
If you click on Adjust Size, you can alter the size of the image. Nice, but not what I’ve got in mind. Clicking on Adjust Color takes you to the promised land…so to speak.
Here you can alter photos quickly and easily. My favorite control is Saturation. I’m not going to ruin in for you by showing you what happens. If you’ve got a Mac try it…you’ll be very happy. I promise.
Your flowers will look a lot different…and better. No kidding.
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